Current issue
5 . 2017
Supporting for practitioners




Continuing medical education

Differential diagnostics of exanthemas in children

The materials of the Lecture devoted to the problem of differential diagnosis of infectious and noninfectious exantheme in children of different ages, including newborns, are presented in the article. Differential diagnosis is proposed on the basis of morphological elements

A kit of practice strains for mastering laboratory diagnostics of plague

State policy in the sphere of biological safety provision requires exclusion or cutting the usage of pathogenic microorganisms in technological processes. Thuswise, it is of relevance to conduct scientific research on biological risk mitigation for educational systems

The basic postulates of the modern paradigm of epidemiology

In the articLe presents the stages of deveLopment of epidemioLogy, given their brief characteristics. We discuss the key issues reLatedto the definition of the object, the subject area and methods of epidemioLogy at every stage. We consider the structure and content of

Education, mission and health of infectious disease doctor in the modern world

The article shows the importance of moral and spiritual culture in vocational education, the practical activities of the doctor-infectious diseases and in the formation of his psychological health. Infectious service of Russia must be based on the best traditions of Russian

Epidemiological features of protozoosesin combination with infectious diseases and helminthoses

In the analytical review reviewed the clinical and epidemiological aspects of the increase of protozoal and parasitic diseases on the example of four parasitosis: toxoplasmosis, giardiasis, blastocystis and malaria. It is shown that the presence of risks of emergence and
Original researches

Pharmacoeconomic validation to chronic HBV-infection ethiotropic therapy prescription in Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Viral hepatitis B is important problem for healthcare systems around the world. In 2013, economic dam­age for Russian Federation from acute HBV - infection is 349 049.8 thousand RUB, chronic HBV - infection - 694 220.9 thousand RUB. In RepubLic of Sakha (Yakutia) we can

Clinical and immunological characteristics of patients with acute enteric infections of various etiologies

Intestinal infections play second fiddle among all infectious diseases, causing significant socioeconomic harm, however in more than 65% of cases their etiology remains unrecoded. For improvement of early differential diagnostics of acute enteric infections (AEI) of

Infectious mononucleosis: characteristics of the manifestations of the epidemic process

In the structure of respiratory tract infections, the proportion of infectious mononucLeosis has a ten­dency to increase with increasing socio - economic significance. Aim of the work - retrospective anaLysis of manifestation of epidemic process of infectious
Practitioner’s consult

A clinicalcase panuveitis with polyarthralgia after Chikungunya fever

This articLe represents the case of Chikungunya fever in Russian citizen who came back to Moscow after traveL to India.The case was compLicated with poLyarthraLgia and pan-uveitis. The dynamics of joint faiLure and probLems of the visuaL apparatus were investigated. We aLso

Topical issues of diagnostics of opisthorchiasis (case from practice: mistakes in the treatment of a patient)

The unfavorabLe epidemioLogicaL situation of opisthorchiasis has deveLoped in Russia. More than 70% of cases of opisthorchiasis in the worLd faLL to Russia. There were 689 foci of peopLe with opisthorchiasis on the territory of Russia, 139 of them were found in the UraLs and

Acute HIV infection: difficulties of early diagnosis(clinical observation)

The articLe shows the importance of earLy diagnosis of HIV infection. Presents diagnostic difficulty of identifying acute HIV infection. CLinicaL exampLe of acute HIV infection atypicaL of course with the Late appearance of antibodies.

Viral hepatitis A in HIV-infected men

Outbreak of viraL hepatitis A (HA) among HIV-infected men who have sex with men (MSM) reguLarLy recorded in Europe. In Russia information on the incidence of HA in HIV-infected not avaiLabLe, as these patients are not singLed out from the totaL number of cases HA. The
Clinical tests

Clinical ceses




All articles in our journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 license)

Aleksandr V. Gorelov
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, Head of Infection Diseases and Epidemiology Department of the Scientific and Educational Institute of Clinical Medicine named after N.A. Semashko ofRussian University of Medicine, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Childhood Diseases, Clinical Institute of Children's Health named after N.F. Filatov, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Deputy Director for Research, Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Rospotrebnadzor (Moscow, Russian Federation)

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