Current issue
1 . 2015
Importations of hemorrhagic fever I group of pathogenicity

Specialty «Infectious diseases»: from the analysis of the problem to decision

In the analysis of the health system and the specialty «Infectious diseases» identified a number of unresolved nationwide health problems. The main direction of solving these problems is to preserve the specialty «Infectious diseases», the need to improve


Scientific reviews

Argentine hemorrhagic fever

Only two natural strains of Junin virus are known – XJ and MC2, which differs genotypically but have the same biological properties. The virus is strongly endemically – infection areal is detected in Argentina only. AHF morbidity is seasonal, in some infective

Bolivian hemorrhagic fever

Bolivian hemorrhagic fever is zooanthroponoses, the causative agent of which – Machupo virus – is one of the most virulent arenaviruses for humans. Presumably, the infecting dose for humans is about 10 virions, the most common route of infect transmission is

Brazilian hemorrhagic fever

Brazilian hemorrhagic fever (BrHF) – is an extremely hazard viral disease caused by a virus Sabia. Endemic region of infection is close to one of the most populous states in Brazil, Sao Paulo. Sabia virus is a member of the New World arenaviruses in within the complex

Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever

Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever (VHF), being particularly dangerous viral disease is a growing public health concern as it poses a serious threat to human health, both in terms of infection occurring naturally, and because of possible cases of skidding on non-endemic areas. The

Lassa fever

Lassa fever – particularly dangerous arenavirusnaya infection, the pathogen that causes a disease characterized by hemorrhagic syndrome, intoxication, respiratory disorders, kidney, central nervous system and the myocardium. Endemic for this infection is the territory

Marburg fever

Presents current state of the disease Marburg. The above characteristics of its etiological agent, the distribution, clinical and epidemiological features, the mechanism of transmission and pathogenesis of the disease. Presents information about the diagnosis and treatment

Ebola fever

The analysis of the current state of the disease caused by the Ebola virus. The characteristics of its etiologic agent, the area of distribution, clinical and epidemiological features of the mechanism of transmission and pathogenesis of Ebola fever. Provides information


Features of spread of monkeypox after eradication of smallpox and cancellation of mandatory pox immunization are examined.
Practitioner’s consult

Multicentre clinical trials results of adding polycomponent sorbed probiotic to children and adults with infectious diseases

Analysis of Florin forte (polycomponent sorbed probiotic) multicenter clinical data were performed on 1518 children and adults patients confirmed the efficiency of this probiotic and lack of significant side effects. Administration of Florin forte in adults and children at

Antiviral drugs

Clinical tests

Clinical cases




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Aleksandr V. Gorelov
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, Head of Infection Diseases and Epidemiology Department of the Scientific and Educational Institute of Clinical Medicine named after N.A. Semashko ofRussian University of Medicine, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Childhood Diseases, Clinical Institute of Children's Health named after N.F. Filatov, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Deputy Director for Research, Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Rospotrebnadzor (Moscow, Russian Federation)

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