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4 . 2017

Clinical masks in newly diagnosed HIV patients in a referral for hospitalization in an infectious diseases hospital

AbstractClinical and epidemiological analysis in those manifestations of HIV infection newly diagnosed according to the results of a retrospective study of patient records, admitted to hospital infection. HIV infection at stage II-III was detected in 86.7% of patients and 13.3% of those registered later stages of the disease. Attention is drawn to the need for broader HIV testing for early detection of infection.

Keywords:HIV, clinic, early diagnosis

Infectious Diseases: News, Opinions, Training. 2017; (4): 72-75.
DOI: 10.24411/2305-3496-2017-00072

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Aleksandr V. Gorelov
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, Head of Infection Diseases and Epidemiology Department of the Scientific and Educational Institute of Clinical Medicine named after N.A. Semashko ofRussian University of Medicine, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Childhood Diseases, Clinical Institute of Children's Health named after N.F. Filatov, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Deputy Director for Research, Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Rospotrebnadzor (Moscow, Russian Federation)

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