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2 . 2017

Prospects for the development of immunofluorescence assay rickettsioses and Q fever

AbstractThe article presents the author's data on the development of rickettsial multiplex diagnostic kit based on the Rickettsia prowazekii and Coxiella burnetti corpuscular antigens, labeled by colloidal semiconductor quantum dots with different fluorescence colors. Diagnostic kit is for the simultaneous detection of antibodies to R. prowazekii and C. burnetti by immunofluorescence reaction of nanoagglyutination. Using of colloidal semiconductor quantum dots for labeling of antigens is will not only increase the number of simultaneously antibodies in reaction, but also made it possible for objectively assess of results and improve the sensitivity of assay. Our future plans are the development of multiplex diagnostic kits for the detection of antibodies to other dangerous pathogens for human.

Keywords:immunofluorescenсе assay, quantum dots, Rickettsia prowazekii, Coxiell burnetii, multiplexing diagnosticum

Infectious Diseases: News, Opinions, Training. 2017; (2): 79-85.
DOI: 10.24411/2305-3496-2017-00038

All articles in our journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 license)

Aleksandr V. Gorelov
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, Head of Infection Diseases and Epidemiology Department of the Scientific and Educational Institute of Clinical Medicine named after N.A. Semashko ofRussian University of Medicine, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Childhood Diseases, Clinical Institute of Children's Health named after N.F. Filatov, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Deputy Director for Research, Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Rospotrebnadzor (Moscow, Russian Federation)

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