Practice and personal-oriented model of infectious diseases in the context of digitalization of medical education


Digitalization of medical education is one of the trends in the educational process. Taking into account the traditions and innovations in pedagogy, as well as the characteristics of the cognitive sphere of contemporary medical students, most likely, the best approach for conducting a lesson in the form of contact work is a combination of network/mobile learning with obligatory direct communication of doctor-teacher and student. The article presents the developed methodical forms of organizing the educational process on specific topics of the discipline "Infectious diseases".

Keywords:higher medical education, practice-oriented and person-oriented pedagogy, infectious diseases

Funding. The study had no sponsor support.

Conflict of interests. The author declare no conflict of interests.

For citation: Zorin K.V. Practice and personal-oriented model of infectious diseases in the context of digitalization of medical education. Infektsionnye bolezni: novosti, mneniya, obuchenie [Infectious Diseases: News, Opinions, Training]. 2020; 9 (2): 115-9. DOI: 10.33029/2305-3496-2020-9-2-115-119 (in Russian)


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Aleksandr V. Gorelov
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, Head of Infection Diseases and Epidemiology Department of the Scientific and Educational Institute of Clinical Medicine named after N.A. Semashko ofRussian University of Medicine, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Childhood Diseases, Clinical Institute of Children's Health named after N.F. Filatov, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Deputy Director for Research, Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Rospotrebnadzor (Moscow, Russian Federation)

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